Why We Write with Kim Ruehl, Eps. 39: H.C. McEntire

First with Mount Moriah and now as a solo artist, H.C. McEntire has proven to be one of the low-key best singer-songwriters on the scene these days. Her poetic lyricism is exquisitely clear and her vocals are hauntingly rustic. There is something about the combination of the two that will just needle into your brain and stay awhile. Her latest album, Every Acre, is just another example of this, as she uses its songs to explore land and inheritance and resilience and various other intersections of people and the natural world.
Considering her BFA in creative writing, I was curious how her academic studies of poetry play into crafting her songs. We got into that and all the other pieces of inspiration that figured into Every Acre in this latest episode of the Why We Write podcast.
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