Welcome new host Brad Kolodner to Folk Alley

Today is an exciting day at Folk Alley, albeit a little bittersweet, as we say farewell to our longtime host, Barb Heller and welcome in our new host, Brad Kolodner.
After hosting on Folk Alley for the last 15 years, Barb has decided to step aside and go into semi-retirement. She shares this note:
Happy New Year! I hope it will be filled with more of the things you really missed in 2020. Hugs. Live music. Peace of mind.
During the pandemic lockdown I discovered how much I love kayaking. I haven’t bought bread from a store since March. I didn’t miss commuting, wearing makeup, dressing up, or eating out. I worked from home and fit it in when the weather wasn’t suitable for outdoor recreation. It was kind of like being retired.
It was so much like retirement that I’ve decided to give it a try. Partially, at least. I’ll miss being your host at Folk Alley, but I’ll be thinking of you while I’m paddling down the Grasse River in St. Lawrence County in northern NY.
Brad Kolodner will be taking my place right away. He’s a colleague in bluegrass music, an International Bluegrass Music Association Broadcaster-of-the-Year nominee, a wonderful musician and singer, and he’ll be a terrific host for your Folk Alley listening. I hope you’ll welcome him as you have me over the years and wish him all the best in his new job. Let him know what you’d love to hear! I’m sure he can swing it.
As for me, I would like to say thanks for the privilege of being your host for so many years. I’ve appreciated your emails, compliments, comments, and requests. I’m looking forward to listening to Brad hosting the music I love.
From here on out you can find me hosting my weekly bluegrass and acoustic music show, String Fever, on North Country Public Radio – my local NPR affiliate station. I’m easy to find; just Google me.
Please keep up your financial support of Folk Alley. It’s important to listeners around the globe, and many donations make a lighter lift for everyone. Thanks for helping, and Happy New Year! I’ll see you downstream!
Yours in music – always,
Barb Heller
Canton, NY
We want to express out deepest gratitude to Barb for her contributions to Folk Alley over the past 15 years. She’s one of the best in the biz and she will be missed very much! Thank you, Barb!
As Barb mentioned, Brad Kolodner is a very talented musician and broadcaster. We feel he’s the perfect person to fill Barb’s shoes. He grew up in a musical family, started playing banjo as a teenager, has recorded albums with his father, Ken Kolodner, and currently has a band of his own – Charm City Junction – in his hometown of Baltimore. Learn more about Brad here!
Brad’s first Folk Alley shift is TODAY at 7pm ET/4pm PT, but you can “meet” Brad earlier today at 2pm ET as he joins Cindy Howes for a special interview and Guest DJ set.
We hope you’ll listen and get to know Brad. Feel free to drop him a note at Brad@FolkAlley.com!