
We almost lose Jim… but he saves his nuts

A true story from Folk Alley.

This week Northeast Ohio got its first “serious” snow of the season (and I’m sure it won’t be our last). Folk Alley Host Jim Blum lives an hour away from our studios in what is politely called the “Snow Belt,” an area near Cleveland that is particularly prone to lake-effect squalls. In fact, he often gets stuck in or can’t make it up his driveway.

Yesterday, Jim was on his way to Kent in his rickety van previewing folk CDs when he saw a Jeep sliding sideways straight for him. He locked eyes with the driver and knew that his only chance was to off-road it, hoping that he had enough speed not to get stuck and that there wasn’t a ditch involved. But instead of steering with both hands, he kept one free to hold on to a can of mixed nuts that he had brought with him to snack on in the car. Seconds from disaster and Jim has the presence of mind to avoid a crash and save his all-important snackfood. That is a great mind at work!

To all of our friends in the North, Winter is finally here. To those of you in warmer climes, we’ll see you soon. Please send directions.

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