
Valentine’s Day Music Stream Help

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OK – Folk Alley fans. I need your help. For Valentine’s day, we’re putting up our two special side-streams for the holiday. You may remember last year, the Love stream and the Alt-Love stream. The Love Stream will be devoted to happy, dappy, lovey, dovey, sappy, pappy, love songs. The Alt-Love stream will be devoted to break-up songs, losing you songs, I can’t belive you dumped me songs, and I hate your guts/can’t stand your face songs. So – here is the challenge. We need your suggestions for these two side streams. Respond to this blog with your favorite Love and Alt-Love songs and we’ll do our best to make them appear magically in the stream. What songs should we play? Send us your suggestions before mid February and thanks. We Love You! OK – we like you.

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