
top 4 fundraising ideas

Recently, FolkAlley/WKSU general manager Al Bartholet posted a message to this site about the funding challenges FolkAlley is facing. He’s turned over the task of coordinating the fundraising to me. Thanks Al. Luckily you folks have come up with some great ideas, everything from doing a drawing for a pick-up truck, to selling stuff on e-bay.

Here’s how the fund-raising ideas stack-up, in reverse order of the number of times suggested:

4. Look for corporate or foundation sponsors
3. Conduct on-line auctions, giveaways, or e-bay merchandising
2. Sell artist CDs or make downloads available at a price

And by far the most popular suggestion:

1. Ask listeners to pitch in to pay for the service.

I think one listener summed up the situation best of all:

“I think the key is to communicate with your contributors. If you need money NOW, let us know. In any case, keep [the] listening free, because that’s the spirit of folk alley in my opinion.” – Robert Adjemian

Our goal is to keep the music on FolkAlley free for everyone to discover. To make that happen we have another goal – raise $27,000 from listeners by the end of September. While we continue to explore other options, we’re taking your advice and letting you know the financial needs of the station and what you can do to help. We’ve also contacted a couple of artists who have agreed to help – Mark O’Connor and Janis Ian are making their music available to those who donate $70 or more to FolkAlley. You can contribute any amount, every donation helps, just click here to make a pledge. Thank you to the listeners who have already pitched in. With your help I know we can meet this goal.

Thanks again,
Jeff St.Clair
FolkAlley fundraiser

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