The Steel Wheels

The Steel Wheels have captured audiences across the country with their heady brew of original soulful mountain music and their deep commitment to roots and community. Based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, this dynamic four-piece string band marries old-time musical traditions with their own innovative sound and lifestyle, generating a truly magnetic revival. The band is renowned for their raw energy and chemistry on stage, where they often cluster tightly around a single microphone to adorn Trent Wagler’s unmistakable tenor with bell-clear four-part harmonies inspired by their shared Mennonite heritage. Add to this Eric Brubaker’s evocative fiddle, Brian Dickel’s grounded upright bass, and Jay Lapp’s signature mandolin style.
In the midst of one of the most cold and snowy winters on record, the Steel Wheels heated up the Folk Alley studios with a few roots-inspired, harmony-driven songs – including the appropriately melancholy “Winter Is Coming.” Hear the band speak about the inspiration they find living in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, from their Mennonite heritage and other bands they have crossed paths with on the festival route. They host the Red Wing Roots Music Festival in Mount Solon, Virginia, where they take pride in reaching out to multiple generations.
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