Song Premiere: Tommy Prine, “Turning Stones”

Tommy Prine’s solo debut is shaping up to be an emotionally arresting collection that demonstrates the singular voice of a promising young talent.
Prine no doubt inherited some songwriting chops from his old man, the late, beloved John Prine. But where the elder Prine had a gritty rawness to his performances, the younger delivers songs with more languid, elastic emotionalism.
His second single, as a Folk Alley exclusive premiere, is titled “Turning Stones.” He co-wrote it with Ruston Kelly and says that it is about “learning from past mistakes and bad life choices by asking yourself the tough questions, turning every stone. You can’t learn from those mistakes unless you put in the work and self-reflection.”
“I know I’m not hurting all alone,” he sings with a raw tenderness to his voice—a line so many people will feel deeply. The barely-there instrumentation yet swells toward the end, with a piano-led release that is both melancholy and cathartic.
Enjoy this advance track available here on Folk Alley.
“Turning Stones” available here
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