Song Premiere: The Gina Furtado Project, “Made Up My Mind”

Gently cascading banjo runs meet early Sixties crooning pop (think Lesley Gore) on The Gina Furtado Project’s swaying new single. Furtado’s crystalline vocals float above a lush bed of swirling fiddles, guitar, mandolin, bass, and banjo. The song’s instrumental bridge features a scampering fiddle twinning the banjo’s notes, descending into the final verse, and the song’s joyous chorus inspires us to sing along: “It’s been a long time coming but now I know/ There’s always room to grow/There will be people fighting, other people crying/And people who are kind/I’ve made up my mind.” This gem of a song sparkles so brightly that its notes echo in our ears and hearts long after the music has stopped.
“Made Up My Mind,” says Furtado, “is about accepting, and even welcoming, life’s challenges as opportunities for growth. The idea came from my experience of having lost my newborn daughter ten years ago to a heart defect. Her name was Phoebe, and I have an Eastern Phoebe bird tattooed on my chest now. In the pain of that loss, I was forced to discover a strength in myself I wasn’t aware that I had had before. I learned that we can’t stop life from throwing those curve balls, we can ONLY control our reactions. I feel that I owe it to my life’s toughest lessons for the perspective they have given me. As outlined in the song, they have led me to being happier and connecting with people who share similar life philosophies — and that is a limitless blessing.”
Made Up My Mind is available – HERE
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