Song Premiere: The Brother Brothers, “The Calla Lily Song”

Cascading fingerpicked guitar notes swirl colorfully around The Brother Brothers’ (Adam and David Moss) vibrant and pure vocals on the their new single “The Calla Lilly Song.” The song ambles along as the singers walk reflectively through city streets, marveling at the smells and sounds that surround them, as well as taking a moment to meditate on and to express gratitude for the beauty and love that surrounds and envelops them. Floating languidly down dreamy musical streams, the song refreshingly washes over us with sparkling reminders that splendor blooms in the least expected places. With its bright, circling musical patterns, “The Calla Lily Song” is the perfect song to listen to after a long, cold winter, for it contains the promise of new beginnings and the wonder that accompanies the renewal of life.
As David Moss says of the song, “This one is about recognizing that a moment in life is significant in some way. The song opens in contemplation about the beginning of a new love, and follows the walk home that I often took when I first moved to the city. It’s about a feeling we all get at some point, that something special is taking place.”
“The Calla Lily Song” from The Brother Brothers’ upcoming album (out 4/16 via Compass Records) is available now – HERE.
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