
Save the rainforest frogs

Excerpted from a letter to Folk Alley:

“Sitting here in the jungle of San Martin at Tarapoto- Peru- I had the opportunity to listen two nights to your radio station. We work in rainforest and species conservation- a difficult task today, when we are fast approaching the “eve of destruction” as Donavan told us many decades ago in his song. We work here at the first front of rainforest destruction- and every pence we can get goes in conservation projects and species rescue.

Still wondering why none of the folk singers ever touched the topics of rainforest destruction like the song of the hunting of the great whales. Today, the forest animals that suffer most are the frogs with fast extinctions worldwide- and I think we should address this in a future song with their original calls mixed in. If any of the folk singers out there needs some inspiration or sound tracks- he or she might contact us.

Best wishes from the Frogger team at INIBICO.

Rainer Schulte”

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