
New Webcasting Royalty Rates Mean Trouble for Internet Radio

Last Friday, the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) announced its decision for new Internet royalty rates to be paid by all webcasters.

Click here to read about the decision.

To put it mildly, it was not happy news to anyone presently operating an Internet music site. If these rates stand, it will mean certain end to many Internet stations. I’ve read that these new royalty rates put forth by the CRB “will cost most webcasters 100% of their total revenues” – which of course equals death. The new rates pose a real threat to Folk Alley’s survival too, but we’re not sure how immediate it will be and to what degree.

For anyone who loves Folk Alley and Internet radio as a whole, please visit this sites to read more about the new royalty rates, the consequences to Internet radio and what you can do.

This is certainly the time to contact your Congressional representatives in Washington and let them know how important your favorite Internet stations are to you.

Here’s a petition you can sign, too, if you’re so inclined.

Thanks! We’ll keep you informed as this issue unfolds.


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