Mark Simos – Fiddler turned writer turned singer.
Know to New Englanders as a contrdance fiddler, Mark Simos is also a poet. He’s written songs for Alison Krauss, Catie Curtis, and Laurie Lewis. Finally we have an entire album showcasing his clever wordplay and he gets to be the singer. Hurting Sure reveals a deep pain from loss, and an ironic joy as well; the pain is proof to the singer that he CAN love. In You do the Work he details an admiration for a quality individual – hoping to make us recall someone we’ve known. Father’s Day is the story of a boy trying to remember the Dad he never knew. Though these are all very touching songs, I’d be remiss not to point out that they’re darn catchy as well. The album Crazy Faith will have you crying and whistling at the same time.