
Lord of the Dance… Live and on Tape

Several months back I went to see a performance of Lord of the Dance. It began with a flute player, who was obviously a cast member with a prop. The costumes were brilliant and the dancing tack sharp. For years I had dreamt about seeing this in person and feeling the energy of the foot stomps (-foot percussion, or taps, etc. ) Most anticipated were the violins, because I had watched them several times on DVD and thought it was amazing! I started to notice they really were not playing-and I thought it was very odd. I also noticed the sound I heard in the speaker was out of synch with what my eyes were seeing. I wondered why such a reputable production would not be performed live? I was so disappointed as I realized I was listening to pre-recorded music and added tap sound at a LIVE performance! Sort of defeats the whole purpose I figure. Is this practice any different than TV or movies? I am curious if this would bother anyone else as they walked out of the show? Or do I need to get out more…
Shannon McDaniel

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