
John Gorka – Shy, But Bold.

Is that possible? How can someone be shy and uncomfortable in front of people, while being so secure and full of spirit as a writer? Don’t ask John Gorka, he can’t figure it out either. There is no question, however, that he has the ability to counsel. In the depths of despair he reminds us that there are worse things than being alone (Dogs & Thunder). He asks us to put ourselves second (Lay Me Down). Through his advice we realize that if we indeed wish to fight for righteousness, we must have a war-like attitude (Soldiers After All). He warns us to doubt even the best made plans and gives that message impact by using an oxymoron (Old Future). If you see John in person, he may not appear to be as confident and as well spoken as his songs. That’s OK. He can’t change himself, but he might change us.

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