
Day Three – And Boy, Are My Arms Tired

It’s been a very exciting three days so far at Folk Alliance! I’ve gotten to say “hello” to many old friends and show Folk Alley off to a lot of new folks. Hopefully, Jim will write all about seeing Judy Collins (she gave him a big hug) and running into Arlo Guthrie (who played “White Christmas” on Ashley’s ukulele). Darryl Purpose surprised me by telling me how much he likes the Folk Alley Chat (thanks for the donation Darryl!). Yesterday, I saw Old School Freight Train, Blazin’ Fiddles and Jeff Black. Tonight it was The Wiyos (which Jim has spoken so highly of), the Boulder Acoustic Society (who I’m now totally into) and Brave Combo – and I’m on my way back to the showcase rooms for more (including my old pals Beyond the Pale). I’m ready for a nap!

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